Article Stock exchange releases 27.03.2018

Rovio Entertainment Corporation Stock Exchange Release March 27, 2018 at 8.45 am

Board of Directors of Rovio Entertainment Corporation amends its proposal in Section 10: “Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors” of the Notice to the Annual General Meeting

The Board of Directors of Rovio Entertainment Corporation is amending its proposal in Section 10: “Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors” of the Notice to the Annual General Meeting published on 12 March, 2018. Due to the decreased market value of the company, the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the remuneration of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors be lowered from the earlier proposal. The new proposal on the monthly remuneration is EUR 9,500 for the Chairman of the Board of Directors (previously EUR 12,000) and EUR 7,500 for the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors (previously EUR 10,000). The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the monthly remuneration of other members of the Board of Directors be EUR 5,000 each, as well as EUR 2,500 for the Chairman of the Audit Committee as additional monthly compensation. If the Chairman of the Audit Committee is the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, no additional compensation shall be paid.

The company shall compensate reasonable travel expenses of the Board members and committee members arising from Board or committee work.

The Annual General Meeting of Rovio Entertainment Corporation will be held on April 16, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. (Finnish time) at the Finlandia Hall, Congress Wing Hall A, at Mannerheimintie 13 e, Helsinki. The notice to the Annual General Meeting and additional information on matters on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting are available on the company’s website at The notice is also as an attachment to this release.

Board of Directors

For more information:
Minna Raitanen, General Counsel, tel. +358 207 888 300 (switchboard)

Nasdaq Helsinki
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